Twins are more common than you would think, with a pair occurring every 1 in 250 births. Inside of Green High School, there were 14 pairs of twins and two pairs of triplets reported. While twins and triplets happen to be more connected than other siblings, they can lead very different lifestyles.
In the senior class, identical twins, Cory and Colin Beitko, share some insight into their lives as twins. “Being a twin is awesome, we work together on almost everything. We get things done twice the time it would take one person doing it themselves. We help each other with money, cleaning ,and much more. Basically imagine having a clone who will do almost anything for you,” Corey Bietko said.
The Beitko’s view having a twin as having a built-in best friend that can be with them almost all of the time. They enjoy spending time together, especially because they have similar interests.
In the junior class, triplets, Caroline, Andrew, and Beau Hayn reveal their lifestyles as triplets. “I feel like we are all equally close to each other,” Andrew said.
Although many would think growing up as a triplet would be different compared to other siblings, the Hayns stated that being a triplet never made them feel outcast or different than other siblings, it just felt normal when growing up.
“When I tell people I am a triplet, they are very very surprised and wish I had told them sooner!” Beau said.
Being a triplet is something different that the Hayns get to experience, but it never made them feel different. It brings a connection between these siblings that they will never lose.
In the sophomore class, twins, Riley and Drew Kirkbride give their takes on life with a twin. “Being a fraternal twin is nothing like being an identical twin. It’s low-key boring,” Drew Kirkbride said.
Because they aren’t identical and have very different personalities, they believe that it’s just like having a sister who happens to be the same age, opposed to identical twins which they believe would feel more connected. “We are just siblings with the same birthday,” RIley Kirkbride said.
While being an identical twin may seem like more fun than being just a fraternal twin, it is still nice to have someone the exact same age as yourself to do things with and bond. Even though they don’t actually feel like twins, they do still love each other very much. “I enjoy having a twin because we’re the same age and go through nearly the same experiences,” Drew Kirkbride said.
Finally, in the freshman class, Kennedy and Tyler Schindewolf share some moments from their twin life. “I like being a twin sometimes because it gives you a chance to talk to someone that knows where you are coming from,” Kennedy said.
Although many would think that since they are twins, they must be very close with one another, this isn’t always true. “I am closest with my older brother and probably least close with Kennedy because we’re twins and constantly get compared, have to share a lot and just annoy each other,” Tyler said.
Being able to have a sibling so close in age can be awesome, and annoying. On one end, it is nice to have someone the same age and go through everything you’re going through. Having someone experience everything you are is very nice, and gives you someone to always talk to. Being so close in age can also be annoying because you are always with your sibling doing the same things at the same time. Sharing friends, rooms, ect. can be tiring especially with a sibling. At the end of the day, twins and triplets are just like any other ordinary pair of siblings, but they are able to have closer relationships due to the limited age gap.
Seeing Double
What Life is like With a Clone
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