We all know that technology is, quite possibly, one of the most prominent parts in every individual’s life on a daily basis. As such, social media has become more actively joined in the youth of our generation. We see more and more of its influence on our children’s mindset and health: both mentally and physically. We can see plenty of positivity coming from these devices through socialization. However, there is no denying that there are several important negative impacts that come with these practices as well.
With the rise of social media’s usage, due to the pandemic and its effects, I have seen several changes within multiple people in my life: friends, family, myself, and even strangers that I have encountered. Each person individually facing at least a couple of the repercussions and consequences from the usage of social media including: lack of sleep, obesity, struggling with social cues and interactions, declines in school/work performance, behavioral problems, inappropriate behavior and the encouraging thereof, cyberbullying, and so many more things that come with the responsibility of the person behind each and every account.
I completely understand that there are several ways of making most apps safer and that some should just not be used by children at all. Ultimately, there are not enough restrictions that take place. Children can and have ended up in especially difficult encounters and circumstances as a result of the encouragement and pressure they get from others.
When looking at most of these social media apps it is required of the user to be at least 13 years of age. Despite that fact, in a recent poll done by the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll “Sharing too soon? Children and social media apps” conducted on October 18th 2021, parents say that 50% are 10 to 12 years old as 33% are seven to nine years old. Not only are there more children actively on social media, but there have also been more and more kids found to have difficulties with their mental health. They have been corrupted with topics that haven’t and aren’t presented well enough for them to be taught correctly for their level of understanding. This leaves children vulnerable to not understanding themselves as well as they should and even possibly disoriented or influenced on their comprehension of mature subjects. Simply put, it leaves them confused on multiple subjects such as socializing, mental and physical health, bodies, sexuality, academics.
With that, before allowing your children or siblings to use devices, you should educate them on the topics of concern as well as place restrictions to further prevent the potential negative aftermath that may come with these accounts so that they can keep safe online with each idea and conversation that may follow from their account. Finally, monitoring their usage and known associations online is crucial to their well being.