Underappreciated Classes at GHS

Courses offered at our high school that don’t receive enough hype

Catherine Smith

Mrs. Wagar teaches her science class about animal feeding operations.

Green High School is filled with so many courses that are offered to a variety of grades, and many may be a hidden source of fun for students. These classes are often turned away from because of how certain people portray the class after taking it; however, this should never stop a student from taking a course that they may enjoy. Below are a few classes at GHS that are either not taken often or severely underappreciated.

Video Editing 1+2
Teacher: Mr. Wirbel
Nearly everyone at GHS watches the morning announcements produced by students; however, many students don’t know that there is actually a class offered at GHS where students get to work on the morning announcement segments. Video Editing 1 and 2 are telecommunication courses at GHS where students not only produce the morning announcements, but also learn about software skills, writing, creating, and editing videos. Students who take this course get the opportunity to work with television equipment and work in groups on a daily basis. Hadley Bialek ‘24 took Video Editing 1 first semester this school year, and her favorite part of the class was “definitely learning how to actually use cameras and all the equipment” Bialek stated. Video Editing 1 focuses more on producing videos, and Video Editing 2 expands upon these previously learned skills and teaches students skills including lighting, project planning, cinematography, audio, and graphics. Both classes are offered to all grades and provide a fun learning environment for students. Mr. Wirbel allows his students to watch their video productions together as a class, and overall makes the class an enjoyable experience for his students.
“Mr. Wirbel let us have complete freedom with our projects/videos so it made the class feel less like a requirement and more something I was actually interested in and wanted to do each day,” Bialek stated.
Students should definitely take this course if they are interested in video production, but also if they want to help the morning announcement production that students and teachers will then play at the beginning of each school day.

Teacher: Mrs. Wagar
This science elective has recently become more and more popular for students looking for a fun science elective to take with their friends. BioApps, a class centered around biology, zoology, microbiology, and forensics, is a lab based class in which students get to dissect a wide variety of animals. BioApps students get the opportunity to learn about the body structures of different animals, while also getting to see them with their own eyes during the dissections. Students aren’t always dissecting in this class; later in the semester, students get the chance to learn about forensic science, and sometimes even bacteria and viruses. Breila Allen ‘24, is a current bioapps student who took bioapps this year after hearing many good things about the class last year.
“The most interesting part of the class is you get extra credit for bringing a pet or creature that we are learning about,” Allen stated.
On top of dissecting animals, students also get the chance to see some of their classmates’ strange pets. Mrs. Wagar teaches multiple science based classes at GHS, and really has an impact on her students. “When we are learning something, she will sometimes come up with competitions to help us learn,” Allen stated. BioApps is a class growing in interest for GHS students for what seems like many good reasons.

General Physics
Teacher: Mr. Saylor
Physics is a course offered for grades 11-12 and only requires three prerequisites: two previous science courses completed, and currently enrolled in a math course of Algebra 2 or higher. This class takes a dive into multiple topics including motion, forces, energy, momentum, and electricity, while also combining math based problems. This course, along with every other physics course offered at GHS, is taught by Mr. Saylor. Many people enjoy his classes for various reasons. Coutney Adam ‘24, took General Physics the first semester of her junior year. She stated, “My favorite physics project was building the roller coaster because it was a fun project to do with the entire class.” Physics comes off as an overwhelming math course; however, Mr. Saylor is known to make the class more fun for his students.
“At first I was a little intimidated about taking the class, but I ended up loving it,” Adam stated.
Physics is usually a course that is required in college, and if given the opportunity to have a more fun class experience, definitely get this class out of the way while it’s offered at GHS.

Music Appreciation
Teacher: Mrs. Rach
Sometimes, there is just a pressing need for another block class to create the perfect schedule, and this music elective course is available to all grades. Music Appreciation has no prerequisites and is a lighter class that focuses on music throughout history. The purpose of this course is to encourage students to understand the value of music and learn about the role it plays in our lives today. To teach these concepts, students complete different projects to obtain a deeper understanding of music, and the role it played during the given time period. Adrianna Barnes ‘24 took music appreciation her sophomore year to fill an extra spot in her schedule. Her favorite project was during the unit about the Golden Record that was on NASA’s Voyager 1.
“My favorite project that we did was actually during that unit. We had to choose songs that we would want to put on the Golden Record for extraterrestrial life to find and listen to,” Barnes said.
Mrs. Rach is GHS’s band director and also fills her day teaching this class.
“She (Mrs. Rach) made the class as entertaining as it could be, and was overall a very engaging teacher,” Barnes stated.
Music appreciation is an entertaining course that is currently awaiting music enthusiast students at GHS.

Accounting Practices 1+2
Teacher: Mr. Allan
Under the business electives happens to be the accounting courses. Accounting Practices 1 is offered to grades 10-12, while Accounting Practices 2 is offered to grades 11-12. These courses go hand in hand, as one would take Accounting Practices 1 first, and then if the course is intriguing to them, they would follow up with Accounting Practices 2 the next year. These two courses, taught by Mr. Allan, teaches students how to apply accounting procedures to various documents, while also providing an opportunity to discover the workings of accounting in business corporations. Accounting Practices 2 continues to teach these principles, and it gives students a chance to deepen their understanding of accounting. Morgan Doan ‘24 ended up in Accounting Practices 1 her junior year when she dropped a class last minute. She ended up enjoying the class, the topics, and the teacher.
“Allan is a great teacher and makes it a point to know every student in his classes, which is really nice, and something most teachers don’t take the time to do!” Doan stated.
Both accounting classes can be extremely beneficial to those planning to major in business, but can also provide a nice opportunity to learn math concepts and collect another high school credit.