Senior Maddy Elsass: GHS All-Star

Michelle Herdlick

Maddy Elsass is jumping before the Homecoming game versus Mckinley.


In the Mind of Maddy Elsass
“Even having one good friend is worth so much more time than a bunch of fake friends,” said Senior Maddy Elsass when talking about a story that changed her life.
Elsass, a new student at Green High School her freshman year, struggled to find a group of friends that stood by her side. Her outgoing personality made it easy to make friends, but not always true friends.
“Finding a group of friends that genuinely care about you and to spend time with. You never know who your real friends are until they continue to show up for you,” Elsass says. “My group of friends make sitting in our beds the most fun time because we are genuinely having fun while literally doing nothing. We are always laughing and making fun of each other (in a friendly manner) and they make me a much happier person.”
Now in her senior year, Elsass is confident that she has a group of friends that will stick by her and not judge her for who she is. Finding a good group of friends is not the only thing Elsass learned during her time at Green. Elsass learned that being authentic and doing what makes you happy is so much more important than anything else.
“No one cares what you look like at school. No one stalking your outfits and seeing if you wear the same thing every week.” She says, “It’s all in your head. I’d rather sleep in more than get up and do my hair.”
Elsass, who is unsure of college plans at the moment, realizes it’s not what she wears that defines her, it’s what she does. Elsass is the student section leader for football and basketball. She works hard to come up with weekly themes and leads chants alongside co-leaders Ben Pine and Dominic Mariani. Her school pride isn’t the only thing she is known for. Elsass loves kids and plans on going to college to study elementary education. She spends her afternoons with third graders at Green Primary School where she is a teacher’s aid. Elsass has learned many lessons from her high school career, but she can’t wait to make more amazing memories in the future.